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Huge challenge (Bikini Fitness Contest) to alleviate my sister's debt

2015-07-22 18:26
I dedicate this blog and my gargantuan challenge to my sister Erika. In the past couple of years she has survived two serious car accidents that have significantly shaken her worldview. As if numerous painful bone crafting operations and permanents scars were not enough, the last car accident has left her with a low self-esteem and a massive nearly £10000 burden of legal fees will keep dragging her down for many years to come. I love my sister to bits and it breaks my heart to see her down and to show my sisterly support, I have taken a gargantuan challenge as a way to demonstrate to her that no challenge is too big and that fresh start in life is not impossible. Like many women, I have struggled to keep my weight down to get the desired body shape for many years. I have tried a jillion of different diets and a gazillion of different gym routines. Yet I’m still where I was when that thought first occurred to me. It seems like an impossible challenge that will haunt me all my life. To break this pattern and show Erika that no mountain is high enough to stop us from reaching our goals, I am challenging myself to go beyond what I have deemed possible and enter a Bikini Fitness competition in 5 month’s time (15th November, 2015). Yes, a body building competition where no amount of Photoshop knowledge will help me. If I can’t become an example to my sister achieving this impossible goal then what sister am I? For the next 5 months I will be updating my progress on this facebook page-blog. Please follow my journey and support me as much as you can. I will need every bit of your support, whether you are a friend or a stranger. And if you kindness stretches beyond the follow and like button please also help me support my sister by helping me raise the money for legal fees. https://www.facebook.com/bikinifitnesschallenge/timeline http://www.gofundme.com/supportmychallenge
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