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2012 04 18

Most Lithuanian businesses feel no impact of Snoras bank collapse

Last year's Snoras' bankruptcy was an event of little importance for three-fourths of Lithuania's non-financial companies and only less than one-tenth of businesses were greatly affected by the bank's collapse, a survey conducted for the country's central bank has shown.
„Snoras“ / Irmanto Gelūno / BNS nuotr.

"The results of the survey reveal that Snoras' bankruptcy has not had a major impact on the majority of the country's companies and a significant part of companies said that this impact would decrease further in the near term," Virgilijus Rutkauskas, senior economist at the Financial Stability Unit of the Bank of Lithuania's Economics Department, said in a press release.

Some 75.8 percent of CEOs or CFOs of non-financial companies that participated in the survey said that the bank's bankruptcy had had little impact on their businesses and seven percent said that it had had a significant impact.

The sectors with the lowest percentages of companies that described the suspension of Snoras' operations as a significant event included services with 5.9 percent, industry with 6.5 and trade with 7.6 percent, while the highest percentage of such companies was in construction, at 13.5 percent.

When asked what impact the bank's bankruptcy would have on their operations in the next six months, 95.6 percent of the surveyed companies said that the impact would decline or remain unchanged and just 2 percent said that it would increase.

Spinter Tyrimai polled CEOs and CFOs of 500 non-financial companies in February and March.

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