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2012 07 23

Romualdas Petkevičius appointed to head NATO Energy Security Center

Colonel Romualdas Petkevičius took the post of director of the newly-founded NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence in Vilnius on Monday, the Defense Ministry said.
NATO: su Rusija ar be jos?
NATO / Andriaus Ufarto/BFL nuotr.
Temos: 1 NATO

Petkevičius was appointed to the post by decree of Defense Minister Rasa Juknevičienė.

Petkevičius has been serving in Lithuania's Armed Forces since 1992. Prior to his appointment to the NATO Energy Security Center, he was adviser at the Defense Ministry's Defense Policy and Planning Department and one of the founders of the center.

In 2008-2010, Petkevičius served as national military tepresentative at Supreme Headquarters - Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), he has also worked as Lithuania's defense attaché to the United States and Canada, headed the ministry's NATO Department during Lithuania's preparations for membership in the Alliance.

The NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence was established on the basis of the Energy Security Center currently operating under the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs by expanding activities of the former and giving it the status of a NATO international military organization. The North Atlantic Council is expected to grant the status by the end of this year, and this way formal accreditation procedures will be finalized.

Up until now, the center was headed by diplomat Audrius Brūzga.

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