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2012 07 26

Lithuania invited to join 13-country Eurodefense organization

Lithuania has received an invitation to join Eurodefense, a network of non-governmental organizations operating in 13 countries of the European Union (EU) and promoting common European defense and security policy.
Kunigų seminarijų klierikai Mokomajame pulke Rukloje
. / Andriaus Vaitkevičiaus / 15min nuotr.

Eurodefense network perspectives were recently presented in Lithuania by French retired general Jacques Favin Leveque. Lithuanian officials will consider the membership possibility, with a decision yet to be made.

"This organisation covers 13 countries inside the EU and is very interested in extending it to Baltic partners, especially to Lithuania. But it is just a proposal and each country has to take its own decision," Favin Leveque told BNS.

"Lithuania has to see if it is possible to create an association according to the objectives of EURODEFENSE and then to join EURODEFENSE network, if it wishes to do," said the general heading the organization in France.

The organization, the so-called think-tank, promotes reinforcement of EU general security and defense policy. Lithuania's officials have so far been cautious about such tendency in fears of its undermining effect upon NATO, as well as European-US cooperation.

Lithuania's Defense Ministry said that Favin Leveque, who was in Lithuania to attend a tribute ceremony to Napoleonic troops, also met with officials of Defense and Foreign Ministries and academicians to invite Lithuania to join the association.

"The membership possibility is being considered, the final decision has not yet been made," Viktorija Cieminytė of the Defense Ministry told BNS.

Lithuania's former chief of defense Lieutenant General Valdas Tutkus is listed as possible head of the association in Lithuania. He refused to comment on the matter to BNS, saying he was now on a vacation abroad.

Founded in 1993, Eurodefense currently operates in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria, Hungary, Romania, and Greece. It holds international conferences, expert meetings, carries out research, and makes proposals to European institutions.

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