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2013 10 14

Five Lithuanian ventures on EC's list of key energy infrastructure projects

The European Commission on Monday unveiled a list of some 250 key energy infrastructure projects, including five projects that will help link Lithuania's energy infrastructure to the EU's energy networks.
Europos Komisijos būstinė
European Commission headquarters / AFP/„Scanpix“ nuotr.

The projects included on the list are the Baltic electricity grids' synchronous interconnection with the continental European networks, the Lithuanian-Polish power interconnection LitPol Link, the expansion of the Kruonis hydro-pumped storage plant, and gas interconnections between Lithuania and Latvia and between Lithuania and Poland.

The so-called "projects of common interest" will benefit from accelerated licensing procedures and improved regulatory conditions and may have access to financial support from the Connecting Europe Facility, under which a 5.85-billion-euro budget has been allocated to trans-European energy infrastructure for the 2014-2020 period, the EU's executive body said in a press release.

Once completed, these projects will help member states to integrate their energy markets and enable them to diversify their energy sources, and will help to bring an end to the energy isolation of some member states, it said.

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